Monkey - Antecipação de Recebíveis

Who trusts Monkey

+100 large companies use Monkey's financial solutions every day to optimize their working capital

+100 financial institutions are integrated with Monkey and ready to finance your company's operations


The perfect technology for
payable and receivable accounts

Monkey offers invoice advance payments solutions that meet your needs and objectives

Have you own supply chain program

Have your own invoice advance payment program to optimize your financial metrics and reduce your suppliers’ cost of capital.

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Otimize operações de

Crie e otimize um programa de antecipação para a sua Instituição Financeira com a tecnologia Monkey e se beneficie das possibilidades de customização de uma plataforma whitelabel.

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Make advance payments of your
accounts receivable

Manage and make advance payments of your company's invoices on a single platform and increase your sales by extending payment due date for your customers. 

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Boost your cash flow today with
Monkey Tech Solutions

Get started

I want to receive advance payment in an existing program

Our customers reviews

Monkey is the best Supplier Anticipation (Buyer Risk) platform in the market.

It effectively combines the three pillars of the business (Financier, Buyer, and Seller).

We are strong partners and intend to maintain this long-term relationship.

You can always count on Bank Crefisa.

- Crefisa

At Marche, we have worked with four other anticipation models, and none have the same quality and performance as Monkey.

Besides the platform, it's worth highlighting that the professionals at the company are very skilled.

- St. Marche Supermercado

Company standout among our partners.

- Bank Safra

Meet our products


What are you waiting for?

Make your company's advance payment of receivables
more efficient! 

Talk to an expert